Monday, February 10, 2014

Logo Critiques

Nike's famous check mark logo is mainly targeted to athletic, active people. Typically a check mark is very positive and encouraging so it works well with the idea of nike which is to reach your goals, motivate yourself and win. The slogan just do it also helps because it takes that active athletic approach and motivates the audience. I think the color choices and style of the logo itself is a little boring but Nike has been around for years and that is the logo everyone seems to be comfortable with. I believe the company is successful because they get their point across and people became comfortable with the logo and slogan and it is one of the top stores for what it sells.

 The Facebook logo is very mechanical and simple which makes this logo successful. The audience Facebook targets are people who enjoy using social media. I think this logo is perfect for its audience because it is simple and you could understand it. The logo is easy to spot out and remember where it comes from. I like the color scheme because the light and dark blue work well together with the white and its easy to see.
 Louis Vuitton is a very prominent designer. This logo is very simple yet elegant and thats what the merchandise is so it works well together. The lettering also seems very upper class, clean and sharp which is the look I believe that the company is going for. This logo's target audience is mainly upper class. It works well because of the mechanics described earlier in the paragraph. 
 I personally love Chipotle! The logo is great because a chipotle is a smoked hot chili pepper which is used in mexican food. The restaurant itself has a natural, healthy and ethnic feel to it which shows in the logo. The logo has a good color scheme and was designed well according to the decor of the restaurant itself. It reaches its target audience which is people who like mexican food because it immediately  shows them what they want to see and lures them in for good food and a great dining experience,
The xbox 360 logo is great in targeting video game players. The X in the middle of the ball looks as if there is something to be unlocked inside and makes it a very interesting, thought consuming idea. It is very mechanical but that is to be expected of a logo of a video game console. I like the color scheme because it works well together and the green fades on top of having a 2-point perspective which makes it a lot more intriguing.

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